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Express Middleware

Now that we went through the core concepts, we can look at how the express-middleware-starter pulls them all together.

The bin file

The main.ts file includes an asynchronous function that starts the application.

Entry point

The server file

The src/server.ts file is where we setup our express server. There's nothing special going on here, other than using the vrameworkMiddleware to handle our HTTP requests.

The important thing is to remember to import the routes and schemas so that they can be registered for the server.

The express server

Running the Application

After completing the installation, run the following command in the OS command prompt to start the application and listen for inbound HTTP requests:

To start the server, use:

# Run the vramework CLI, needed whenever your routes change.
# This will create all the schemas and a few useful type files to make
# development easier
npx @vramework/cli
# Run the server
npm run dev

This command starts the server in dev mode with the HTTP server listening on the port defined in the src/config.ts file.

Once the application is running, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4002/health-check to see the health check working.