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Writing your own HTTP handler

You can integrate Vramework into most nextJS HTTP servers in three steps.


We'll use express here as the example request/response as it's most popular.

Create a class to extend VrameworkRequest

This wraps the request object provided into a vramework handler

Vramework Express Request

Create a class to extend VrameworkResponse

This wraps the response object provided into a vramework handler

Vramework Express Response

Call runHTTPRoute with the correct request and response object

Vramework Middleware
await runHTTPRoute(
new VrameworkExpressRequest(req),
new VrameworkExpressResponse(res),
// The HTTP method
method: req.method.toLowerCase() as any,
// The HTTP Route
route: req.path,
// Whether we want allow the route handler to return a 404, or
// not do anything if the route isn't found
respondWith404: true
// This skips us trying to find a session for a route that
// isn't authenticated
skipUserSession: false