Announcing Vramework 0.6: WebSockets, Scheduled Tasks, and a More Flexible, Typed Future
· 5 min read
Modern backend development can be messy. You might lock into a single runtime or server, and keeping frontend and backend types in sync is often painful. Vramework 0.6 aims to change that—offering a function-first, TypeScript-powered ecosystem that lets you build once and deploy anywhere with complete type safety.
Vramework isn’t just another Node.js server framework. Instead, it’s a lightweight abstraction layer that pairs seamlessly with servers like uWebSockets.js (uWS), Express, and Fastify. It runs on Node.js and will soon support Bun or Deno. Whether you deploy to Docker containers on VMs or use a serverless platform like AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, Vramework’s abstractions help you switch infrastructure without massive rewrites.